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League Optimizers 2024

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League Optimizers 2024 - Page 16 Empty Re: League Optimizers 2024

Post  Admin 18th August 2024, 21:40

League Optimizers 2024 - Page 16 2_romo18

Christian, Zafer & Vladimir

Broj poruka : 1295
Datum upisa : 2017-01-06

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League Optimizers 2024 - Page 16 Empty Re: League Optimizers 2024

Post  Admin 29th August 2024, 20:35

League Optimizers 2024

League Optimizers 2024 - Page 16 Kon_ta10

Broj poruka : 1295
Datum upisa : 2017-01-06

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League Optimizers 2024 - Page 16 Empty Re: League Optimizers 2024

Post  Admin 29th August 2024, 20:37

League Optimizers 2024 - Page 16 Kon_ta11

Broj poruka : 1295
Datum upisa : 2017-01-06

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League Optimizers 2024 - Page 16 Empty Re: League Optimizers 2024

Post  Admin 29th August 2024, 23:08


Broj poruka : 1295
Datum upisa : 2017-01-06

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League Optimizers 2024 - Page 16 Empty Re: League Optimizers 2024

Post  Admin 30th August 2024, 19:30

TASK: In the two opposite edge cells of the first grid (horizontally or diagonally), write the number 1. All cells in that direction will automatically be filled with the number 1 and that is the first "laser beam". Do the same with the numbers from 2 to 9. You can enter only one number in each marginal cell. "Laser beams" can intersect, and parallel beams must not touch. The digits in the intersection cells represent two- and three-digit numbers in which the digits are ordered by size.
CALCULATION: The result is calculated according to the formula A/B*100, where A is the sum of all numbers in the crossing cells, and B is the sum of all single-digit numbers of "laser beams". Maximize your final score.

ZADATAK: U dva naspramna rubna polja prve mreže (vodoravno ili ukoso) upišite broj 1. Sva polja na tom pravcu automatski će biti popunjena brojem 1 i to je prvi "laserski zrak". Isto uradite sa brojevima od 2 do 9. U svako rubno polje možete upisati samo jedan broj. "Laserski zraci" se mogu presecati, a paralelni zraci se ne smeju dodirivati. Cifre u poljima ukrštanja predstavljaju dvocifrene i trocifrene brojeve u kojima su cifre poređane po veličini.
OBRAČUN: Rezultat se obračunava po formuli A/B*100 gde je A zbir svih brojeva u poljima ukrštanja, a B zbir svih jednocifrenih brojeva "laserskih zraka". Maksimizujte svoj konačni rezultat.

Broj poruka : 1295
Datum upisa : 2017-01-06

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League Optimizers 2024 - Page 16 Empty Re: League Optimizers 2024

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